Who We Are

About Us

PSL – This means People, Strategy, Leadership and this is because when these 3 forces are aligned great things can happen.

Andrew Griffiths founded PSL in 1999. Our clients include small and global businesses, we also work with schools, colleges and universities, charities and the care sector. We train throughout the UK and globally.

On the journey to where we are today we have done many things to find our place in the world and what we do best and this is aligning people, strategy and leadership.

Our Mission

Help people and businesses to grow.

Our Commitment to Excellence

Care, Consideration, and Attention to Detail:

  • From preparation to delivery, we focus on helping individuals achieve their full potential. We treat each person as unique and give them the personalised attention they deserve.

Tailored Training:

  • Our training programs are customised to meet the specific needs of your business, team, and individual members. We design each program with your unique goals in mind to ensure maximum relevance and impact.

Collaborating with the Right People:

  • We strive to work with clients who share our values and dedication to excellence. By partnering with like-minded individuals and organisations, we can achieve outstanding results together.

Delivering Massive Return on Investment:

  • We are committed to providing exceptional value by getting things right. This often involves being adaptable and going the extra mile to ensure success, ultimately delivering a significant return on your investment.

Our Commitment to Confidentiality and Integrity


  • We uphold strict confidentiality for everyone at all levels. Respecting privacy is fundamental to our work. If an employee shares private matters or challenges with us, it will be treated with the utmost respect and confidentiality. We have a robust process for handling such situations, and we are happy to share this with you and set clear expectations.

Honesty and Integrity:

  • We are committed to transparency, honesty, and integrity. We encourage open communication and welcome any questions or concerns you may have. We will always act with honesty and will not engage in dishonest behaviour. Our goal is to foster a trustworthy and open environment. If we believe you could do something differently and you or your team need to know, we will tell you. We will agree how we do this with you.


Linkedin Profile Andrew Griffiths
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