Team Development

Customer Relationship Skills Training


How Much is Communication Costing Your Business?

Why Invest in Customer Relationship Skills Training? Because these skills either cost or make your business a fortune every year.

Some employees may be highly technically or professionally qualified but not well trained in Communication Skills.

Whether you’re an employee aiming to enhance your skill set or a leader focused on building stronger relationships with your customers, investing in PSL Soft Skills Training is a strategic move. It not only benefits individual career growth, it also improves collective success with customers and growth for the entire business.

Remember, every employee plays a role in delivering value to your customers.

Unlocking Growth Potential

It is recognised that growth cannot be achieved by Sales and Marketing alone. All employees provide a vital link to customers in some way and can have an impact on the perception of value.

Considering How Employees Make Decisions

Because their memory influences their decisions, they can do many things without needing to think. Driving a car or riding a motorcycle is a good example of this.

What happens when something goes wrong or when they face difficult customers or challenges?

It is a certainty that the better trained they are, the easier it is for them to react and communicate in more helpful ways.

But what happens when they are not well trained, when they do not have the guidance and skills to help them, their colleagues and your customers?

How Can We Help?

Our programs are perfect for anyone who interacts with internal and external customers!

Skills and Tools

We can provide training and tools that will help your employees to communicate more effectively, to react in smarter ways and build stronger relationships with your customers.

Build Your Flywheel For Service Excellence

In business, the flywheel concept is used as a metaphor for creating self-reinforcing loops of positive momentum. It was popularised by Jim Collins in his book “Good to Great.”

Your frontline and back-office staff are the heroes of your business. Their Values, Attitudes, Skills and Customer Focus determine how well they perform and your customer satisfaction.

For most businesses this is a constant challenge.

Potential Benefits

The potential benefits of PSL training are numerous and significant.

Increased people skills, confidence and belief in what can be achieved. Employees equipped with the knowledge and skills required to overcome the challenges they face in their day to day interactions with customers. Employees helping to deliver growth.

  • Better skills and guidance to support them
  • Better customer satisfaction and retention
  • Better communication
  • Better decision-making
  • Better shared understanding of customer needs and opportunities
  • Better team collaboration

Real-Life Examples of Success

The overwhelming consensus from the attendees has been that the training delivers valuable tools, and people skills.

“The course was extremely well structured... it has given me new skills that I can readily use in both my personal and business life... definitely a course that has left a lasting impression.”

“The training has increased my confidence to handle tricky situations or questions that I may not have immediate answers to. The ability to handle these issues will compliment an engineer’s
technical knowledge and promote an extremely professional face to the customer.”

Example 1:

Case Study: An engineer responds immediately to an urgent customer need. The haste and intent to resolve the issue as fast as possible results in a process oversight, leading to a customer complaint. The engineer’s willingness to review what happened also enabled a process improvement and deeper understanding of customer needs and expectations. A problem becoming an opportunity.

Example 2:

Case Study: In the development phase of a significant proposal, the models we supplied were instrumental in testing the value proposition. This assistance allowed the team to enhance the proposal while maintaining its integrity and demonstrating value that precisely met the customer’s requirements. The outcome was improved teamwork and a contribution to winning a large sale.

Example 3:

Case Study: Improving motivation and morale. "Your encouragement and support have not only enhanced my understanding of customer relations but have also inspired me to apply these skills in my professional life. Thank you once again for your commitment to our growth and development”. When employees feel worth more and gain the tools and skills they need, they become capable of more and this happens as a matter of course.

Brought to you by PSL Training

Our mission is to help people and businesses grow.

We serve clients from the public and private sectors, ranging from large multinational organisations, departments and agencies to small businesses across the UK and internationally. We offer a highly flexible and inspiring approach to people and business development.

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